How Often Should You Clean Outerwear?

We all have a pretty good idea of how often standard clothing should be washed. For instance, you should wash your underwear and socks after every wear. Pants and hoodies can be worn a few times before washing. But what about jackets and coats?  In the colder months, you wear outerwear just about every day,…

Bedding: Dry Cleaning Versus Washing

There’s arguably nothing better than cuddling up in a clean bed after a long day and resting your head on a soft pillow to get some much-needed sleep. Our bedrooms are a sanctuary where we retreat to rest and relax – and our bedding (comforter, sheets, blankets, and quilts) is a big part of ensuring…

Common Water Pump Questions

Whether it’s for commercial or residential use, water pumps play a significant role in many operations, from removing water from weep tiles in a basement to powering dry cleaning equipment. Despite their prevalence in many businesses and operations, there are several frequently asked questions about water pumps. Here, we’ll address and answer some common questions…

10 Garments You Should Always Dry Clean

Many consumers incorrectly assume that any article of clothing can be hand or machine washed. But that’s not the case at all, and making such a mistake could permanently damage your garments to the point where they’re no longer wearable. So, how do you know what can be hand or machine washed and what cannot?…

5 Professional Stain Removal Tips

No matter how hard we may try not to spill, stains are unavoidable. Perhaps a splatter of grease gets on your prized college sweatshirt while cooking dinner or your toddler uses your new blouse as their personal napkin. The one thing you don’t want to do when your clothes get stained is make them worse…